
      • Specification
      • Features
      • Download
      • Series Name:
        Mixed-color-mosaic Series
      • Model:
      • Product Name:
        Mixed Color Mosaic
      • Size:
      • Thickness:
      • Color:
        • TA02LEA01U1
        • TA02LEA02U1
        • TA02LEA51
        • TA02LEA52
      • Remark:
        ○○:Color NO(Color NO.)
        U1 Front side lined with paper(Front side lined with paper)
      • Technology:
        • Hydrotect
      • Beautiful patterns and vivid color combination immediately expands the visual space. A painting effect made up of 36 combination patterns will transform the space like a new dress, making it radiate with liveliness.
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      • Products of the same type(14)
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